Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Week 5, Thing #11: Web 2.0 Award Winners/Ning

I looked at several of the award winning sites and liked the ones I tried. I used Revolution Health and found articles, discussions, and polls on medical topics. With Pandora Radio, I was able to find music that sounded like groups and songs that I really like. Etsy was a great site to find handmade jewelry and crafts and supplies. Since I can't use YouTube at school, I looked at it and was surprised to find serious information as well as funny cat and dog videos. I have normally used YouTube for entertainment only, and was somewhat surprised to find good video of the Phoenix Mars Lander and the war in Iraq.
The site I spent the most time on was Library Thing. I chose this site because I had heard of it, but hadn't visited the site. It certainly has lots of information about books, and lots of opportunities to write and talk to others about books. I set up an account and added a few books. I used my avatar in my profile. This site had the easiest registration that I have run across. Now I can list and make notes about books that I have read. I can discuss these titles with others who have the books in their library. I can join in discussions about "Talk Topics" and can join groups such as "Librarians Who LibraryThing". My "local" tab lists bookstores in Fairbanks. It was easy to tag books, rate them, and comment on them. I can use this site at work to list books that I am booktalking, ordering, or thinking about ordering. I can also discuss purchases with other librarians who have a particular title, or I can pose a question for others to respond to. I like LibraryThing and expect to use it and tell others about it.

I also went to Ning and set up a page for the Randy Smith Middle School Library Book Club. I hope to use this page to correspond with club members.

And finally, I took the Traveler IQ and discovered good news and bad news. I don't know much about Europe, but I did OK on the rest of the world. I know some teachers who will want to use this site with their students.


starlagurl said...

Hey Robert! Glad you like our game. You can chat about strategy and compare scores with other Traveler IQ addicts in our travel forums

Louise Brown
TravelPod Community Manager

Heather said...

I have been waiting until I reach Week 8 to really explore LibraryThing but after reading your post I am sorely tempted to jump ahead and explore now. I would like to know how your Ning with the book club goes, we tried something similar (not a Ning, something through Macintosh) last year and it was great for about a week, then the students stopped using or at least used it a lot less. A Ning seems like it should be easier to use though.

Katie said...

Just a couple things. Search for Simon's Cat on YouTube if you haven't already found it. Great cartoon you as a cat owner will appreciate. There are actually two cartoons. Don't recall the names.

Also...before you get too far in Library Thing check out Shelfari. Don't know exactly why I like it better but that is what I've been using..when I let myself spend time there. Talk about a time sink!!
If you decide to use it let me know. I'll make you a "friend".